Sunday, September 13, 2009

Holy cow! It has been so long since we have updated this blog! Sorry, Sam and I have been super busy with school and, of course, face painting. We finished some very exciting events including the TriUtah triathlon at Jordanelle Reservoir, Payson Onion Days and the Pleasant Grove Heritage Day. We love seeing all of your smiling faces! Here are some pictures from our events. Enjoy!

Sierra, with her lovely strawberries. They look enough to eat.

Olivia loves her Rainbow Swirl!

So does Maci!

Triathlon at Jordanelle

I also auditioned to be a witch at Gardner Village this October in their first annual "So You Think You're A Witch?" competition. Unfortunately I didn't win, BUT everyone called me the "pretty witch." So, that's winning to me!

Huna, the Hawaiian Witch of Aloha

Sam and Me